New York AREA
(Affordable Reliable Energy Alliance)
In the wake of the August 2003 New York blackout, Butler Associates was brought on by the New York Affordable Reliable Electricity Alliance (NY AREA) to create marketing strategies for this then newly created statewide “Energy Chamber of Commerce.” For 14-years later, Butler Associates continued to craft tactics and strategies that continually kept the organization on the front lines of advocacy and in the public eye.
For this organization, we initiated and led highly a successful speaker-series and energy forums attracting major academics, government, business, labor and environmental leaders.
Our team conceptualized a long running weekly broadcast radio series called New York Energy Minute, broadcast on 50,000 watt stations across downstate New York to the state capitol in Albany. We further created a successful video interview series, the New York Energy Moment, which can be found here.
Our content creation also included the publication of newsletters, an annual report and sponsored editorial content, seen in key public policy news outlets. Authors of the prominent series have included: the Obama Administration’s Top Trade Ambassador, Administrator of the federal EPA, a Greenpeace co-founder, Presidents of groups including the Independent Power Producers of New York, New York State AFL-CIO, National Federation of Independent Business, labor and chamber of commerce leaders, along with elected officials speaking on vital in-state energy topics.